OUR MISSION STATEMENT Sisters Stepp'n N Vettes, (SSNV), Inc., is a non profit organization and is an exclusive group of women who drive Corvettes. Our mission is to offer women empowerment through community involvement by participating in charitable outreach programs and educational events. We celebrate the passion of Corvette ownership with other responsible and dedicated Corvette enthusiasts. We take pride in our cars and promote sisterhood, friendship, and camaraderie by participating in charitable and educational events, competitive car shows, cruise nights, road trips, and dinner get-togethers. More, importantly, our unique core values define us as individuals who all come together frequently as sisters to be role models and to make a difference in our community.
This memorial page was created in memory of Loretta Woods, a generous, compassionate member and one of the original founders' of Sisters Stepp'n N Vettes. Loretta was loved and made all she touched better, and the light she shared and inspired with others will be with us forever.